Kendra Havlicek


Before Home Found Us

Three teenagers

each growing up in different eras.

Three struggles

Nazis, the Iron Curtain, and a search to uncover past secrets.

Three stories

intertwined in Lazinov - a little village tucked into the valleys of southern Czechoslovakia.

1938, WES

Wes wondered if the spies were following him as well. Though it was Englishman Nicholas Winton they were after, not the farmer's son who got mixed up in the crowd on his extended stay in Prague. He had grown a deep trust for the simple stockbroker who risked his life for the Jewish children. Now, Wes felt it was his turn to take a little risk.

1972, NIKY

Tomorrow morning, I leave this place for good. Either that or I'll be in eternal handcuffs at a prisoner work camp. Or, I'll be dead. Only one outcome appeals to me, and for that to come true the other two remain a frightening high possibility.

1994, KRISTA

Krista often wondered why her parents hadn't encouraged learning their native tongue sooner, but believed they wanted more than anything to fit into their new American lifestyle... "Maybe I'll learn more about their past this summer."